Thursday, April 30, 2009

Support my song 《没把握》!

Support my song 《没把握》at SongsIwrite Songwriting Competition!

Vote for my song!

Thx!!! =)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A very meaningful nite for me...

上个星期五,Leon & Azure “圆满落幕”。那晚跟旧搭档同台,感觉很不错。很感谢聪贤和丽莲抽空下来!在木船9年了,想起来也挺可怕的。9年前加入木船,我是最junior的新人。现在,好像是最资深的“旧人”。

那晚也邀请了两位我带过的歌手上台表演- 周猛和Fanny.

那一晚,唱了好多自己喜欢的歌曲,也和大家分享了自己最近有感而发,写的两首歌曲- 《让你走》和《我知道我错了》。

当然,还是得非常感谢所有到场支持的朋友们!我好久没有看到(在我表演的时候)Full house 了!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Urban CLAP! @ Raffles Place

Alrite... This time I got Aloy ( Azure's Bassist )to perform with me...

Kudos to Aloy for his efforts in learning the few songs on the acoustic guitar!!!

Its definitely a different experience performing under the sky at Raffles Place... feel so "naked"... ahahah...

Some photos and videos below:

Performed my latest original 《让你走》again!

Also tried an English song that I've learnt a long time ago, Ryan Cabrera's "True"...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2 gigs this Friday!!!!~

Friday will be quite a busy day!

Urban CLAP! @ Raffles Place
Date: 24th April 2009 ( Fri )
Time: 530pm
Leon on keyboard performing with Aloy ( Azure's Bassist ) on the acoustic guitar!!!

Leon & Azure @ The Ark Cafe
Date: 24th April 2009 ( Fri )
Time: 8pm

The show in the evening will be a very meaningful gig for me...
Will be sharing some of my own compositions as well as songs I love to sing in the cafe...
The year 2009 will be my 9th year performing in The Ark Cafe!
Wow... time really flies... I've worked with many good musicians and vocalists during this 9 years...

Hongliang, Peishi, Lilian, Congxian, Guohao, Kelly, Micah, Stefan, Anson, Li Qing, Chan Min, Shawn, HT, Candy, Liang, Douglas, Mel, Yingzhi, Aloysius...

Some of my old partners will turn up on Fri's gig for a reunion... haha.

I sincerely hope to see you on Friday nite!!! =)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Working with Anger

When we're angry, we do and say things that we regret later.
Anger makes us lose control of ourselves, so we speak cruelly to others. Each of us has a hidden cache of events in our lives that we don't like to remember, because we're ashamedof how we acted on those occasions.

Sometimes we wonder why others don't like us. We think we're pretty nice people! But if we look at how we treat others, especially when we're angry, then it's clear why they don't trust us.

Are you guilty of the above? I am. =(

It's important to be honest with ourselves and to recognise our anger, rather than to pretend it doesn't exist.
However, recognising we're angry is different from verbally and physically expressing it. When we let our anger out, we risk making other people miserable.

Techniques to help dissolve our anger:
1.If someone blames us for something we didn't do, there is no reason to be angry at something untrue.

2. Remember the kindness of the "enemy". She points out our mistakes so we can correct them and improve our character. She also gies us the opportunity to practice patience.

3. Give the pain to our selfish attitude by recognising it as the source of all our problems.

4. Ask ourselves, "Is it the person's nature to act like this?"
If it is, there is no reason to be angry, for it would be like being annoyed with fire for burning.
Also ask ourselves, "Is it the person's nature to harm us?"
If the person's nature isn't harmful, then there's no use getting angry at him. His inconsiderate behaviour was a fluke;it's not his nature.

5. Examine the disadvantages of anger and grudge-holding. This gives us tremendous energy to let go of these destructive emotions.

6.Recognise that the other person's unhappiness and confusion are making him harm us. Since we know what it's like to be unhappy, we can empathise with him. Thus, he becomes the object of our compassion, not the object of our anger.

7.Examine, how we got involved in the situation. This has 2 parts:

a. What actions did we do to prompt the disagreement? Examining this helps us to understand why the other person is upset.

b. Recognise that unpleasant situations are due to our having harmed others earlier. Seeing our own destructive actions as the principal cause, we can learn from past mistakes and resolved to act better in the future.

8. Ask ourselves, " Can I do something about it?" If we can, then anger is out of place because we can improves the situation. If we can't change the situation, anger is useless because nothing can be done.

Whether or not these techniques work for us depends on us. We have to practice them repeatedly in order to build up new mental and emotional habits. I will try my best to practice them, how about you? =)

Thursday, April 16, 2009



Saturday, April 11, 2009

Heartland CLAP! @ AMK Central Stage!

Performed for CLAP! again, this time w/o my band Azure.
It's still cool to have all the AMK residents listening to my songs.
AMK has the largest crowd for CLAP! all the time!

Still remember around the same time last yr, Azure had our 1st CLAP! performance here as well...a few weeks before we went KL to promote The Ark Cafe Compilation Album... Time really flies!!! I do miss performing with the band. =(

Photos taken last yr:

Anyway,I performed my latest composition《让你走》. 全岛首唱!LOL!
Yup, its a very sad song... I'm sure many pple have 共鸣 to my simple & direct lyrics...Hope u like it! =)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Yup, I used to keep alot of rodents as pets!!!!

Check out tis super old website of mine to know about all of them!
But sad to say, most of them died throughout the past 7 yrs.... =(