Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Life's been good...

Been a long time since I last blogged...
Gigs aren't alot recently, but glad to be doing a few wedding gigs in the coming months, and of cos one of the big gig of the year, tomorrow evening's School Official Opening. I will be performing 3 songs... Been coughing for past 4 weeks or so! Of cos, partly my own fault of not cutting down on cold drinks as pointed out by someone... =P

Life has been good to me all this while I guessed...or should I say, God has been good to me!
That's why I had more time to be troubled over some stuff, while many pple are struggling with their jobs etc...

Having said that, time to really sit down and write some serious music for the band...
We do have plans for end of this years... gigs don't come all the time... We need to make things happen, and that is to write more music that belong to ourselves so that we can share with others!

Birthday is round the corner again... celebrations aside, it's time to think about what lies ahead... =)

Sharing some videos taken from gig at the new The Ark @ King Louis Grill & Bar at Vivocity. I realised I haven't gig for such a long time...=(

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